ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan <table style="height: 50px; vertical-align: middle; border-bottom: 3px solid #ffffff; background-color: #caff00; width: 100%; border: 0px solid black; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px 2px;" border="0" width="100%" rules="none"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="170" height="100"><img src="https://journal.literasisains.id/public/site/images/angel/cover-abdikan-a5995b44e06e5cbe5435bf3e8b95be1d.jpg" alt="" width="1000" height="1415" /></td> <td> <table class="data" border="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Journal Title</strong></td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%">Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Language</strong></td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%">Indonesia</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>e-ISSN</strong></td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%"><a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20220222592013435" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="color: #000000;">2828-4526</span></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>p-ISSN</strong></td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%"><a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20220222042182410" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="color: #000000;">2828-450X</span></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Frequency</strong></td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%">4 issues per year (February, May, August and November)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Publisher </strong></td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%">Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>DOI </strong></td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%"><a href="https://doi.org/10.55123/abdikan"><span style="color: #000000;">doi.org/10.55123/abdikan</span></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Citation Analysis</strong> </td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%"><a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LGFEnskAAAAJ&amp;hl=en&amp;authuser=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="color: #000000;">Google Scholar</span></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Editor-in-chief</strong></td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%">Angelia Putriana</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Email</strong></td> <td>:</td> <td width="70%">jurnal.abdikan@gmail.com</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p align="justify"><strong>Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi </strong>yang disingkat <strong>ABDIKAN</strong> merupakan Jurnal yang diterbitkan 4 (empat) kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Februari, Mei, Agustus dan November oleh Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi didedikasikan untuk mempublikasi hasil-hasil kegiatan Pengabdian yang dilakukan oleh Mahasiswa, Dosen dan seluruh lapisan Masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan hasil pemikiran dan gagasan konseptual, serta tentang kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat dengan berbagai potensi, hambatan, tantangan, dan permasalahan yang ada di lingkungan masyarakat dalam bidang sains dan teknologi.</p> Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia en-US ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi 2828-450X Edukasi Bahaya Gempa Bumi di Sdn 51 Maluku Tengah, Dusun Wainuru, Desa Liang https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan/article/view/3077 <p><em>Liang Village in Central Maluku district, Maluku province, was the village that was most affected by successive earthquakes in 2019. The location of the point of the earthquake which was near caused the Liang village to suffer a lot of damage to buildings. Damage to this building can cause the ceiling and walls of the building to collapse, so it is very dangerous for the community. The purpose of this service is that after carrying out this service, activity participants can understand the dangers of earthquakes, the causes of earthquakes, the disasters that follow earthquakes and rescue actions. This educational activity is one of a series of civil engineering community service activities at Pattimura University. This education is carried out by conducting live presentations and showing video material that will be delivered to teachers and students of SDN 51 Central Maluku. The results of this education can be seen from the enthusiasm of students who can answer the speaker's questions from the material that has been provided. After this educational activity, students and teachers at SDN 51 Central Maluku, Dusun Wainuru, are expected to be able to understand how to take preventive and rescue measures when an earthquake occurs in the future.</em></p> Fauzan A. Sangadji Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzan A. Sangadji https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 3 1 1 5 10.55123/abdikan.v3i1.3077 Pemanfaatan Briket Arang Kulit Pinang sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif di Desa Rumah Galuh, Kec Sei Bingai, Kab Langkat https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan/article/view/2760 <p><em>Fuel oil, coal and gas are some of the energy sources that are widely used by the people of Indonesia. Charcoal briket are a biomass energy source that is biodegradable and environmentally friendly which is one of the alternative fuels. The basic material for making briket charcoal consists of various materials such as agricultural, plantation, and household waste. One of the agricultural commodities of the community of Rumah Galuh Village, Sei Bungai District, Langkat Regency is areca nut.</em> <em>Solid waste in the form of areca nut peel has the potential to be used in briket making materials that can increase the use and economic value of the waste. The implementation procedure starts from burning, grinding, sieving, making adhesives, making dough, molding, drying briket, to testing briket, then socialization to the community. As the ultimate goal of Community Service, with this activity, areca nut skin waste which is usually only burned can be used as goods of economic value, providing education to the community regarding the use of areca nut skin waste into charcoal briket so that in the future it can increase the income of the people of Rumah Galuh Village.</em></p> Eka Bobby Febrianto Ingrid Ovie Yosephine Marzuti Isra Ismi Aryati Ade Kurniawan Nasution Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Bobby Febrianto, Ingrid Ovie Yosephine, Ade Kurniawan Nasution, Ismi Aryati, Risky Ariansyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 3 1 6 12 10.55123/abdikan.v3i1.2760 Penatalaksanaan Gangguan Afektif Bipolar Episode Kini Depresif Berat tanpa Gejala Psikotik melalui Pendekatan Kedokteran Keluarga https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan/article/view/3085 <p><em>Bipolar disorder is a group of affective or mood disorders characterized by depressive and manic or hypomanic periods. The prevalence of bipolar disorder is estimated to be around 10-15 per 100,000 individuals annually in the human population, with higher rates in women, which can reach up to 30 per 100,000. Comprehensive management with a family medicine approach is necessary to improve the quality of life of patients. Service activities are conducted using counseling/support for patients with bipolar affective disorder experiencing severe depressive episodes without psychotic symptoms, reviewed through self-report, collateral history, mental status examination, home visits, and secondary data obtained from patient medical records with the application of a holistic and comprehensive family medicine approach. The goal of counseling/support for patients is to increase disease awareness and improve the patient's quality of life. The results of service activities show better understanding of the disease by patients and medication adherence levels that impact therapy success. Holistic management with a family medicine approach is necessary to identify problems in various aspects and support therapy success as well as improve patient quality of life.</em></p> Syahrizal Syahrizal Muhammad Ridho Akbar Eljatin Yurnailis Yurnailis Nurul Hanifah Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 Syahrizal Syahrizal, Muhammad Ridho Akbar Eljatin, Yurnailis Yurnailis, Nurul Hanifah Lubis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 3 1 13 19 10.55123/abdikan.v3i1.3085 Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Smartphone untuk Mengembangkan Produk Industri Rumah Tangga https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan/article/view/3218 <p><em>The use of smartphone applications for marketing home industry products has gained significant attention in recent years. Smartphone applications are effective tools for entrepreneurship development, particularly for young entrepreneurs, with significant potential for enhancing market reach and customer engagement. This community service took place in Rumah Rahpia, family-style orphanages that play a crucial role in the upbringing and development of teenagers in Medan, Indonesia. Extension and assistance activities in product marketing were carried out for 4 months starting from March to June 2022. Empowering young people in orphanages with entrepreneurial skills is believed to contribute to their personal development and future success. Moreover, fostering entrepreneurship at a young age can help them build realistic career paths and adapt to global trends. Therefore, educating young people in orphanages not only provides them with essential skills and knowledge but also contributes to their overall well-being and prospects. Interviews with the participants show that product sales increased with better product quality after carrying out this community service activity.</em></p> Lila Maria Kaban Rifin Khong Jony Jony Sylvia Sylvia Copyright (c) 2024 Lila Maria Kaban, Rifin Khong, Jony Jony, Sylvia Sylvia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 3 1 20 27 10.55123/abdikan.v3i1.3218 Pembuatan Website untuk Jendela Informasi dan Publikasi Pemerintahan Desa Cijengkol – Serangpanjang https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan/article/view/2193 <p><em>The public service information system is a variety of storage operations and management of communication information mechanisms from organizers to public addresses and vice versa as well as in direct word-of-mouth communication. The study in this research uses the theory of CMC (Computer Mediated Communication), as a format that is applied in the form of reading-based communication similar to document messages. The application method in community service is contained in the creation of the Cijengkol Village Website by utilizing the Wix platform as the basis for building the Cijengkol Village government Website with various stages associated with the Waterfall method. In addition, the initial phase of making this Website is by conducting discussions, creating details of the content, collecting databases, and designing the Website concept. The result of this research is that the Website has been handed over to the Cijengkol Village Government. This update can be seen from the profile photos of all village officials, surveys and documentation of some locations in Cijengkol Village, to ensure the completeness of administrative data. This handover is accompanied by knowledge transfer, especially to operators that will managing the Website.</em></p> Arifin Bustomi Cri Tanjoeng Kupala Respatiningrum Mocodompis Dewi Puspitarini Larasati Sulistiawati Sulistiawati Pagi Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 Arifin Bustomi, Cri Tanjoeng Kupala Respatiningrum Mocodompis, Dewi Puspitarini Larasati, Sulistiawati Sulistiawati, Pagi Muhammad https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 3 1 28 34 10.55123/abdikan.v3i1.2193 Pengembangan Inovasi Bolu Sakinah untuk Meningkatkan Pemasaran pada Media Online di Kabupaten Magetan https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan/article/view/1716 <p><em>Today's people's lives cannot be separated from the activities of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). MSME activity is a form of business that plays an important role in the development and growth of the economy in Indonesia. Technological developments and increasing business competition make micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) must have good initial marketing to be able to compete with other competitors. Utilizing internet marketing technological innovations in the form of digital marketing or internet marketing is a paradigm that needs to be understood, especially in today's business world. The purpose of this research is to provide innovation for the community in building a more modern business for MSME businesses, especially Sakinah cakes as an increase in sales turnover. The implementation method is carried out using several stages, namely 1) problem identification, 2) output and 3) conducting training and developing new innovations. The result of this activity is the product innovation of Sakinah cake which has packaging and branding. This activity is expected to make MSMEs develop and improve their marketing methods using digital marketing.</em></p> Linda Ayu Renggani Maylinda Dwi Astuti Hesti Dwi Wijayanti Alifah Aprilia Ananda Puji Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Linda Ayu Renggani, Maylinda Dwi Astuti, Hesti Dwi Wijayanti, Alifah Aprilia Ananda, Puji Nurhayati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 3 1 35 40 10.55123/abdikan.v3i1.1716 Pelatihan Senam Ibu Hamil terhadap Penurunan Low Back Pain Ibu Hamil Trimester III Di Klinik Bidang Titiek Makassar https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan/article/view/1664 <p><em>Complaints of pregnant women back pain (back pain) 60-80%. Low Back Pain in pregnancy at 13 weeks to 30 weeks of gestation it was found that the older the pregnancy the stronger the back pain. Gymnastics is a coping method that can prevent physical stress due to pregnancy, reduce lower extremity and back cramps, increase the mother's ability to adapt to changes in her body. The method used in this service activity is in the form of lectures, demonstrations and training. The stages in this activity start from preparation, implementation to closing. Evaluation of the success of the training is assessed through a pre test and post test through a questionnaire. The results obtained on the back pain scale before doing exercise for pregnant women were 3 people with a mild pain scale, 4 people with a moderate pain scale, and 3 other mothers. pregnant, improving blood circulation, reducing complaints of cramps or aches, and preparing breathing, muscle activity and the pelvis to face the birth process. So it is recommended for pregnant women and health workers to apply the exercise method for pregnant women in reducing complaints of back pain during the third trimester.</em></p> Yusrah Taqiyah Fatma Jama Copyright (c) 2024 Yusrah Taqiyah, Fatma Jama https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 3 1 41 47 10.55123/abdikan.v3i1.1664 Pengenalan dan Pembelajaran Literasi Berbasis Media Digital Mengenai Beretika Media Sosial di SDN Pasir Luhur https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan/article/view/2183 <p><em>In all-digital era like this, digital literacy is something that must be done in order to keep abreast of the fast technological movements but also to avoid all things that are not desirable in the vast digital media. This journal article aims to be able to find out and provide an understanding of digital literacy regarding the use of Microsoft Word and how to be ethical on social media aimed at elementary school children who are auspices of SDN Pasirluhur to be able to avoid the threat of crime that is rife in the digital world, For example, the spread of fake news on social media and many others. The implementation method used in this article is the stage of monitoring and situation analysis, survey and location determination, learning and socialization with material presentation, as well as the evaluation stage. In activities regarding digital literacy there are several main discussions such as the meaning of social media, the functions and uses of the positive and negative impacts of social media, as well as how to be ethical and deal with fake news on social media.</em></p> Annisa Fitriani Komalasari Indah Lestari Sutrisno Sutrisno Tabrani Sjafrizal Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Fitriani Komalasari, Indah Lestari, Sutrisno Sutrisno, Tabrani Sjafrizal https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 3 1 48 54 10.55123/abdikan.v3i1.2183 Pemberdayaan terhadap Usaha Produktif Umkm melalui Pendekatan Digital Marketing di Desa Ledokombo Kabupaten Jember https://journal.literasisains.id/index.php/abdikan/article/view/3207 <p><em>Ledokombo Village is one of the villages in the eastern part of Jember Regency, East Java Province. This village is within the administrative area of Ledokombo District. The area of Ledokombo Village is bordered by the areas of neighboring villages, such as Sukogidri Village, Ledokombo District, and Cumedak Village, Sumberjambe District. One of the elements of society that drives the economy is MSMEs in Ledokombo Village. The MSME players in Ledokombo Village are the "Banana Chips" MSME, which is committed to having a productive business but does not yet have a business network and knowledge about optimizing product marketing and has experienced a decline in orders from consumers. This is because the product marketing system is still conventional. The location of the service was Ledokombo Village, Jember Regency. The method of implementing the service uses the survey, FGD, socialization, training, and mentoring methods for Banana Chips MSMEs. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate empowerment efforts through counseling and training in optimizing business by utilizing marketplaces and social media. The results of the service show that the program that has been implemented has been well adopted by the Banana Chips MSMEs in Ledokombo Village. This is demonstrated by the packaging of products sold to consumers using packaging that has been recommended by the service implementation team. Improved service to consumers is based on innovative, creative principles and what is needed by the market.</em></p> Agus Supriono Riza Oktafiyani Rachmat Udhi Prabowo Julian Adam Ridjal Ebban Bagus Kuntadi Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Supriono, Riza Oktafiyani, Rachmat Udhi Prabowo, Julian Adam Ridjal, Ebban Bagus Kuntadi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 3 1 55 64 10.55123/abdikan.v3i1.3207