Pengaruh Promosi melalui Instagram terhadap Minat Beli di Alila Ubud
Hotel, Instagram, Intention, PurchaseAbstract
The lodging industry is as of now creating, which has made competition between inns, making it fundamental to supply techniques that can increment tourists' buying intrigued. This ponder points to decide the impact of advancements by means of Instagram on obtaining intrigued at Alila Ubud. The sort of think about utilized is quantitative information. Information collection was carried out by conveying surveys employing a Likert scale with 12 articulation things. The populace of this think about is domestic and outside visitors who know Alila Ubud, conjointly Alila Ubud's Instagram supporters, numbering 45,200. This consider delivered a test decided utilizing the Slovin equation with a add up to of 100 respondents. This think about appears that advancement through Instagram (X) contains a positive or noteworthy impact on Buy Intrigued (Y) at Alila Ubud. Promotion by means of Instagram has very a huge commitment in impacting buying intrigued as much as 57.7% is still within the direct category, at that point the remaining 42.3% impacts other viewpoints that have not been investigated in this ponder such as item quality, brand, cost, and so on
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